Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Another team member is the enigmatic Kinetic.
Kenneth Turner aka "Kinetic"
blind but able to use telepathic/telekinetic pulses to "see" his surroundings and the people around him.
Actor: Chitwetel Ejiofor
Kenneth was born partially blind but was always able to get around with any assistance. during his life several incidents happened that caused him to push his limited abilities farther than before, but each time this happened more and more of his eye sight left him. After some years at college studying to be a teacher he also taught himself how to use his talents to his benefit. He learned to use a light pulse of telepathic and telekinetic energy like radar. The telepathic part senses living thinking beings and their moods or surface thoughts. While  the telekinetic pulse bounces back to him to "see' solid objects around him. After college Kenneth got a job teaching a high school English class, and trying to expand his abilities even further.

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